The Effects of Wheel Alignment on Tyres
Like the human body, the components of our cars are all interconnected and must work together in harmony to ensure optimal performance, safety, and efficiency. Despite their everyday use and general ease of management, automobiles are actually more complex than we might think. And while most astute drivers understand the importance of driving on tyres that are in good condition, many people often overlook the importance of wheel alignment.
A car’s wheel alignment is one of the central aspects of the vehicle, so making sure this is functioning properly is a vitally important task. Read on to find out more.
What is a Wheel Alignment?
When a mechanic performs an alignment, they set your wheels to the car maker’s specifications. You can also align the angles beyond the maker’s specifications if you aim to obtain a specific handling characteristic, for example, if you plan to use your car for motorsport or off-road applications.
Essentially, getting a wheel alignment will ensure that all of your wheels are angled straight ahead, which will prolong the life of your tyres in the long run.
What Are the Adverse Effects of Unaligned Wheels?
You may not initially notice any defects in your car, but after a while having wheels that are not properly aligned can cause a lot of other problems.
Uneven Tyre Wear – One of the most common effect of misaligned wheels. Said simply, this occurs because the tyres aren’t being used evenly, and certain parts are wearing down faster than others. For example, excessive wear on the inner or outer edges of the tyre tread is known as “camber wear,” and this issue not only reduces the lifespan of your tyres but also compromises their ability to maintain traction and grip on the road. Uneven tread wear will shorten the amount of time between costly tyre replacements, increasing the costs of running your car.
Reduced Handling and Safety – Misalignments can also cause your car to pull to the left or right. This happens when the camber and toe angle specifications are outside of your manufacturer’s limit. When your vehicle pulls, it may make handling more difficult and may even cause irritation and fatigue to the driver. This difficulty in controlling your car could be dangerous in emergency situations.
Poor Fuel Efficiency – Wheel misalignment creates unnecessary rolling resistance, which forces the engine to work harder and consume more fuel. Misaligned wheels can cause the vehicle to drag or pull to one side, resulting in increased fuel consumption. By ensuring proper alignment, you can minimise rolling resistance and enhance fuel efficiency, ultimately saving you money at the pump.
The Financial Effect
We’ve already mentioned the increased costs on tyre replacement, but avoiding a wheel alignment will also hurt your wallet in other ways. When you replace your tyres it’s usually recommended to replace all four – not just one – which already adds to your costs. In addition, correct inflation and rotation of tyres affects braking distance, the quality of your ride and your fuel economy. The more effort you have to put into driving and braking, the more petrol you’ll use and the more often you’ll have to fill up the tank.
How Often Should I Align My Car’s Wheels?
Most mechanics would advise that you get a wheel alignment once your car has reached 50,000km and the suspension has set in. After that, you may be able to have it done once every two or three years. If you get new tyres or even used tyres installed or you notice some of these symptoms in your car, you should also look at booking a wheel alignment.
Do You Need a Wheel Alignment or New Tyres? Perth Vehicle Owners Trust Swan Tyres
As a one stop shop for all your tyre and motoring needs, we specialise in new and used tyres, wheel alignments, rims, and mag wheels. Perth motorists have been relying on us since 1959 and our experience, service, and value continue to set us apart from our competitors. Give us a call today to set up an appointment or book online now.